Tips And Tricks To Make You Quit Tobacco For Good

Tips And Tricks To Make You Quit Tobacco For Good

For many, the past year has been a reminder that they can take important steps in taking charge of their own health and well-being. Now that it’s time for new resolutions, making a positive change for some can mean quitting tobacco. Whether it’s cigarettes, dip, e-cigarettes, or some other form, quitting tobacco is often at the top of lists of health-related resolutions. However, one reason it’s frequently on resolutions lists is it can take several attempts to quit for good.

One thing to know if you’re planning to quit is you absolutely don’t have to do it alone. Consider talking with your doctor or healthcare provider for any tips, tricks, or suggestions that can help improve your chances of quitting.

Creating a quit plan and using proven-effective resources, such as those available, free, from Tobacco Free Florida, can also significantly increase your chances of quitting for good. Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) including gum, patches, or lozenges may even double your chances of quitting for good.  The Quit Your Way program offers free Phone Quit, Group Quit, and Web Quit services, as well as such things as text support and a Quit Guide. Group Quit classes are also free and available in-person or virtual.

Here are some more tips for anyone making a resolution to quit:

  • Make a plan and set a quit date. This will help keep you prepared, focused, and motivated to quit.
  • Tell your family and friends about your quit date. Ask for their patience and support. This might include changing up plans for where you meet up so they can be part of following (and cheering on) your progress.
  • Clean anything that might smell like smoke. Check your car, carpets, and clothes. Get rid of anything that might trigger a craving, such as ashtrays or lighters.
  • Remember and reinforce your reason for quitting. Is it for your kids? Put up a few more smiling pictures where you used to take a smoke break. Is it because of the thousands of dollars you’ll save? Keep a note in your wallet or purse where you can track your progress towards a financial goal or reward with all the money you’re saving by not smoking.
  • Have healthy snacks, toothpicks, or straws around to grab in situations where you just need something to break up your routine and get through the early cravings.

The start of every year sees more and more people live out their resolutions and quit tobacco for good. Today, there are more former smokers in the state than current smokers. About three in five adults who have ever smoked have now quit, suggesting that most smokers who keep trying eventually succeed.

If this is the year you’re planning to quit, and you want information on all these tips and more, check out or call 1-877-U-CAN-NOW (1-877-822-6669) to start the new year with a Quit Journey.